Soft Revolution of the Society Organisation to Creativism

Why it’s inevitable ?

The humanity started a transition process to brainy society that is promoted by natural laws and confirmed by human experience of progress through innovation. (for more information, please read our book on creativism)

The fundamental laws of physics applied to living systems and the Universe show that one of the missions of humans is to innovate in order to protect, develop and spead the life.

This is confirmed by our experience throughout whole human existence on the Earth from the hunter-gatherer society, through the slavery, the feudalism and capitalism. Each transition to higher level of society organisation permitted more peoples to be educated, to participate in the process of rising human conscience and to create cultural or technological innovations.

Humans can’t fly but thanks to their developed intelligence they created faster and higher flying engines that nature was unable to work out for the entire history of life on the Earth. Flying was a dream for many peoples of ancient civilisations. Today we transformed this dream into reality. The same will be with the human dream of life prolongation to quasi immortality.

Nature permanently challenges us to overcome obstacles in order to stimulate our creativity and to find an innovative solutions (the COVID pandemic is just one example).

No doubt, we live better on the Earth because of accumulated knowledge and innovation.

Today two systems exist in the world : capitalism and socialism (communism). Both have a subjective base and defend a targeted social group. Capitalism defends the individualism and individual profit while the socialism (communism) the social equality and the profit redistribution.

The capitalism is a profit-oriented and is not a sustainable production or innovation targeted system. Innovation remains only one of the tools for the capital to achieve the goals of maximum profit. If there is another way to gain more money the capital abandon the innovation including the human capital accumulated and the related infrastructures. Today, the social and economic inequality accelerates in a global scale and up to 90% of the innovation startups fail within the first year after the market launch.

The capitalism arrived due to the creative evolution of the society and permitted to generate better conditions for the manifestation of the innovation than the previous socio-economical system organisations. The main reason for the First and the Second Industrial Revolution is the liberation of the creativity and innovation of humans triggered and accelerated by the improved conditions under the environment of the capitalistic organisation. It’s important to distinguish the origins and the main driving force (the innovation) of the Industrial Revolution from its environment (the capitalism). Without capitalism, the Industrial Revolution would have taken place but much later.

If the environmental framework hampers or cannot follow further the needs to generate and develop higher intelligence through creativity and innovation, it creates tensions and suggests the necessity of changes in the system socio-economic organisation. As we have shown in the chapter capitalism of our book, the capitalistic environment explores its limits, characterised with a high level of failure of the innovative projects and is not optimal. It is not surprising that the capitalistic organisational functions O (and SAF) of the leading economies enter in their final stage 3.

Humans have tested an alternative socialism (communism) model. The high level of administration of the creativity and banned entrepreneurship under the socialistic environment hampered the innovation and especially its application. The socialistic organisational function O of USSR (chapter socialism) as well as of the East-European socialistic block entered in its final phase, became a brake for the innovation, hindered the progress and finally collapsed. China tries partial changes but ideological spy survey of the innovation limits the liberty to create.

Creativity and innovation are tools to achieve higher levels of intelligence of the society and hence higher survival and conquest capacity of humanity. The system of socio-economic organisation that targets higher intellectual society means stronger progress and fits better to the exigency of natural laws to raise our intellectual power in order to ensure increased capability of control over nature as well as of life defence and expansion. In contrary, any organisation of the society that hampers the creativity, the innovation, the intellectual development, and progress faces against fundamental laws and is fated to collapse.

Therefore, we need to recognise that the science, the creativity, and the innovation are the fundamental leading forces toward the progress of human society and that we should reorganise our socio-economic model accordingly. Not the profit as the case of capitalism, nor the ideological dogma or bureaucracy as in the case of socialism, but the creativity and innovation should be the most valorising and motivating factor of the new economic model: the creativism.

Life bears inherent intelligence that expanded to developed intelligence in humans. Nature imposes upon us to develop it further. Humans are condemned to create a new socio-economic system promoting highly intellectual activity and minimising the wastage of the intellectual power of the society.

We are on the brink of a new social and economic revolution: the intellectual revolution! It will establish new order through the creative society principles revealing the societal intellectual power that will kick off the major industrial revolution.

The creative society marks the transition from “hand civilisations”, governed by hand work for existence, to “brain civilisations” dominated by the creative and innovative activity.

The creativism is based on objective natural laws, while capitalism and communism have a subjective basis.

Humanity already started a slow transition from “hand” to “brain” civilisation.

The question is not whether this transition will take place, but how shall we do it: hard or soft revolution, rapidly or slowly?

Capitalism and socialism (communism) can no longer keep up with the pace of innovation demanded by progress. As a consequence, they may enter in opposition with natural laws, that will most probably provoke social troubles, revolutions or wars.

If we change to creativism model of society we shall avoid social troubles, we shall promote a massive rise of intellectual level of the population and its participation in the innovation process to accelerate and ensure soft and more rapid transition.